Monday, April 11, 2011

Ugly Bugly Eggs

To make these little critters you will need:

Blown eggs

Pipe cleaners

Paper for wings

White glue

Acrylic paint

I drilled two holes for my buglies. One in the bottom for emptying the egg and one in the top to insert the antennae.

Taking a clean, dry, blown egg, paint it to resemble the bug of your choosing. There are many colorful insects to choose from, or use your imagination and create your own critter.

For the lady bug and blue beetle, I painted the underside brown with black lines to denote segmentations in the thorax and made the heads black. I painted the top halves the appropriate colors for my bugs and added spots and stripes. I recommend working one side at a time and letting it dry completely in between.

Once your have your bug painted to your liking take your pipe cleaner (I used black but you can use any color you like) snip it down so that, when folded in half, you will have antennae for your bug in a length you are happy with. Once you have the pipe cleaner cut down, fold it in half and twist the bottom as tightly as you can. Add a bit of white glue to the twisted end and gently work it in to the top hole on your egg. Once the glue is dry you can curl the pipe cleaner and position it as your like.

If you do not have pipe cleaners, you can use strips of construction paper for antenna as well.

To display your buglies, you can set them in tiny flower pots, egg cups, or a basket. You can also tie thread around the antennae and hang them up.

Happy decorating!

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